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Goblincore: Beauty in Decay

In the shadowy embrace of the Underhollow, where ferns stretched skyward like skeletal fingers reaching for the void, the air was thick with the perfume of decay. It was a place deeply rooted in the secrets of nature, where vibrant fungi whispered to each other in soft voices, spinning tales of the lost and the forgotten. Here, among the womb-like shadows, the goblins found sanctuary. Their beady eyes sparkled with the mischievous light of curiosity as they scoured the chaotic playground for treasures treated as trash in the outside world.

When the blue moon cast its eerie glow over the twisted ferns, a mousy goblin named Grubble gathered his kin beneath a great toadstool, which served as their makeshift throne. The elders spoke of a legendary mushroom—Thimerion, “The Bloom of Secrets”—that grew only in the darkest depths of the forest and held the promise of extraordinary power. Legends told of grim sorcerers who sought to weave spells of creation and destruction, but such magics came with a price. Yet the lure was irresistible, especially for Grubble, who longed for recognition among his peers.

As the goblins set forth on their quest, the mushrooms shimmered underfoot, glistening like stars in the moonless night. Twisting between slabs of rock and through matted layers of moss, they were guided by the intoxicating scent of Thimerion’s spores. Each inhalation sent tingles up their spines, filling them with a blend of dread and excitement. The world felt alive—alive with the pulse of decay, of things that executed their own quiet forms of rebellion.

Yet, the deeper they ventured, the more the Forest began to twist, revealing its true nature. The tranquility of their surroundings warped into eerie whispers, and the ferns coiled tighter, acting as both guardians and jailers. Grubble’s heart raced as the fine line between beauty and grotesquery blurred, unveiling shadows of their own, beckoning with promises that tasted sweet yet rotted on the tongue. Icy tendrils brushed his skin, and he knew they were not alone.

Suddenly, in a hollow where the ferns parted, the cluster of mushrooms pulsated with a silvery luminescence. Grubble could feel Thimerion’s breath against his skin. It slumbered, nestled among the roots of a gnarled tree—its tendrils of mycelium weaving a complex tapestry of life and death. With trembling fingers, Grubble reached out, only to be met with a pull so strong it knocked him down into the moss.

All at once, the goblins understood that they weren’t meant to harvest Thimerion; they were meant to become entwined within it, just as all the beautiful grotesqueries of nature intertwine life and decay. As they laughed and shrieked in their chaotic glee, nature wrapped around them with both tender and savage embrace, binding their existence to the shadows. Forevermore, they would dance among the decay, reveling in the secrets of the Underhollow, the hidden beauty of the grotesque.


In this monochromatic masterpiece, a grotesque yet mesmerizing underworld is brought to life. The scene is dominated by towering ferns and parasitic mushrooms, their spores drifting ominously through the dark void. The intricate details capture the raw, untamed beauty of nature’s overlooked elements, with a tapestry of ferns weaving a chaotic dance amidst the fungal growth. The stark contrast between the black background and the white illustrations accentuates the eerie, almost Lovecraftian vibe.

Nestled among the roots and rocks are clusters of smaller mushrooms, sprouting like a grotesque bouquet in a forgotten forest. The ground is a tangled mess of moss and foliage, a chaotic playground for the goblins who would undoubtedly revel in such a sinister setting. Each element seems to be in a state of perpetual decay and rebirth, encapsulating the essence of Goblincore’s dark charm.

This design is not just a visual feast but an invitation to embrace the morbid fascination with nature’s “ugliness.” Perfect for those who find beauty in the grotesque and the mysterious, this piece is a testament to the allure of the unconventional. Ideal for adorning your lair or adding a touch of the macabre to your collection of “shinies.”

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